As I began my seven hour journey from upstate new york, the trees were plain and the air bland. Slowly over time the trees began budding and blossoming. The willows with their long yellow branches. An hour later, cherry trees began blooming. I had a Japanese song I learned while living in Hawaii going through my head.
sakura sakura
no-yama mo sato mo
mi-watasu kagiri
kasumi ka kumo ka
asahi ni niou
sakura sakura
sakura sakura
yayoi no sora wa
mi-watasu kagiri
kasumi ka kumo ka
nioi zo izuru
iza ya iza ya
mi ni yukan
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
On Meadow-hills and mountains
As far as you can see.
Is it a mist, or clouds?
Fragrant in the morning sun.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
Flowers in full bloom.
Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms,
Across the Spring sky,
As far as you can see.
Is it a mist, or clouds?
Fragrant in the air.
Come now, come,
Let’s look, at last!
It seemed to be a time lapsed video of spring time, pinnacled by a magnificent drive through Princeton, New Jersey. The road was lined with cherry trees blossoming with their pink and white petals. The air was thick with an aroma worthy of Aphrodities herself. Couples walking, holding hands coincided with young families walking their babies in strollers while eating ice cream. I couldn't help but let out a glorious smile for the moment. Suddenly a song forbidden to be played in my presence, Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," came on. I smiled, cranked up the music, and continued my journey home as if nature herself was sitting on the hood of my car glazing into my eyes. Beckoning me with her index finger and blowing her perfume to arouse my consciousness.
It was truly a spectacular moment that I can only begin to describe. Happy spring everyone.
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