Cell Phone Blog (Part 2)

Cont'd....... succesfully beat her current illness. So with that said, I am sitting outside on the deck alone, enjoying the much needed coolness of the night. It'd be great to have someone just sitting here with me at my moms house. I realized that when u move out on your own away from your parents, u find yourselfself often alone and existing in the monotony that is life. I miss having a companion. Someone to sit down and just talk for hours because u enjoy each other's company and conversation. I'm alright with not having one right now but doesn't mean I don't want one. I'm content, relaxed, enjoying the fresh air, feeling accomplished after planting my garden and my aunts flower bed today. I knew there was a reason why I am not out getting drunk with friends at the bars. Its because of how I feel now. Relaxed, content, productive, and accomplished for the day. Good night, this really was randomness.