"O.M.G." by Ten G Bob

This is a sweet ass video. 

Tea Baggers:Tea Party :: Carpet Munchers:Lesbians

After reading several liberal, and I use that word liberally, I have to comment on the use of Tea Baggers. For those of you who do not know what "tea bagging" refers to, its an act of sex where you dip your testicles into someone's mouth as they are laying down. With that said, it is being said in a contemptuous and derogatorily manner. Liberals, if they hold true to their own values would not use a derogatory term to describe people. Yet if you use their current state of consciousness, they should begin calling lesbians "carpet munchers," gay men "ass pirates," and women "pillow biters." All are offensive, are used in a sexual way to show contempt for a definable group's thoughts, beliefs, and way of life.

Progressives are playing a dangerous game with the American public. I was surrounded by a group of progressives (thugs) at a Christmas party after mentioning the people I follow on twitter and how I use it for news. After these people who I never met before were in my face, poking me in my chest, yelling at me as I tried real hard to remain calm, I eventually left. Apparently saying I respectively disagree with President Obama's policies makes me a racist... that in itself is racist.

Here's my point. While reading several (neo-classical)liberal blogs and the comments on them, I saw these thoughts said over and over in manner different fashions.

"What can we do to point out the obvious to the doofuses in Washington that WE WON! We don’t have to be bipartisan because the other party has ceased to exist!" --Raynman

"People like the obstructionist, DeMint, are not gaining favor with the mainstream Americans, as they are with teabaggers." --Marie

"No sir. Political correctness is paralyzing bigots, racists and people with minimal social skills who think just because they know a word they should be able to use it without consideration for the rest of society." --HoodaThunk

Now to those people who see Republicans as irrelevant, sure, currently they are and should considering how they managed to overlook social issues. I must add that Democrats had the majority in both houses from 2006 on and managed to do the same thing but I digress. What is relevant is that representatives within the Democratic party cannot even agree and reach a consensus. They could have passed the bills months ago but were too busy jockeying for closed door bribes (see Nelson and Landrieu). As someone who hasn't had health insurance in four years, the bill would've have helped me. Well, it would help me in another four years as they tax me now for it. That in itself just doesn't make sense.

My family is 95% blue collared, hard-working, liberal, and in unions. The other 5% are hard-working but white-collared. All jockey with overtime and stop working in order to dodge our "progressive" tax system. For those of you that don't know, it's progressive because it was enacted by progressives. Everyone in my family voted for President Obama and all have a unfavorable opinion of him. One went as far as to say, "You had dumb shit Bush running things into the ground. We voted for change and the only change we got was this douche bag (Obama), doing the same thing as doofus but twice as worse. There is also one Democrat who is actually going to attend her first Tea Party meeting next week. I enjoy seeing people become politically active.

The Tea Party Movement isn't a ubber-radical right wing group of republicans. It's a coalition of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents that truly feel disenfranchised from our federal government. They feel they are not being heard nor represented, no matter who they vote for. Does "No taxation without representation" ring a bell? Didn't a bunch of people yell that before they dressed as Indians and threw tea into a harbor? Oh wait, that was the FIRST Tea Party. We are beginning to see a much larger tea party now. A party that not even an aircraft carrier can host.

So using Tea Bagging and Tea Baggers, especially by our political elite, shows the lack of intellect, respect, understanding, and contempt on their fellow Americans. They try to demean a bi-partisan effort by the once apathetic population, to join together and bring the change they envisioned. Progressives, the political elite, and lame stream media all feel threatened, as they should be. Poll numbers and ratings are rather low these days. Contempt for American public exercising their Constitutional rights is really working well.

A Call to Help Stanford and Cancer Research

Stanford Folding@Home Group # 180470

Okay, so after a really good day, I was doing what I always do as a news junkie. I was reading all my twitter feeds from politicians, pundits, and my selected sources. I abruptly came across a story on how the U.S. Air Force purchased 1700 Play Station 3's to form a super computer. I immediately went to my Stanford University's Protein Folding application to check my progress. Stanford has been using PC's and at their inception, PS3's as a networked super computer. It has the highest super computing power in the world thanks to our PC's CPU processing power that we do not use.

Lets face it, most of us do not use our computer's computing power to it's full potential. A good portion of its abilities lay dormant. This is where Standford University's Folding Program utilizes what most of us do not. Unless they still live in their mom's basements, blogging about their hatred for Glenn Beck, and constantly playing the World of Warcraft until they find the need to masturbate to Pink's 2010 Grammy performance... or write for the Huffington Post.

                   Pink's Performance

             Huffington Post Bisnatch

If you are not one of them, first of all I must congratulate you for being a productive member to society. Second, you computer has the ability to be utilized further. It's still using the same global warming (oh wait, 'climate changing') gases at 20% then it would at 99% because the hippies haven't allowed us to build nuclear power plants for 40 years... the same hippies complaining about the coal fired plants that filled the vacuum they created. I shall respectively digress to prevent a further tangent.

Check it out. Folding@Home via Standford University. It will "fold" proteins and relay the data the system. You will join the world's largest super computer in it's quest to solve the mystery of cancer and the mutations that cause it. I have done so since 2004. Just configure the program to utilize 50-75% of your CPU so it doesn't slow things down.

I don't live in my Mom's basement, play World of Warcraft, write for the progressive Huffington Post, and have only masturbated to Pink's Grammy performance once (that's a joke FYI).

Check it out. It helps to further the study of science all-the-while, donating something you do not use, nor can lose.

If you like the cause, download it and join my group, numbered 180470 . Some friendly competition cannot hurt anyone when applied to this cause.

--Topher Lloyd


Upgrading, yet again. Bare with me. That is really all I have to say..... uhhh... um....?