Finishing Cabinets

Finishing cabinets is much like making love, if and when you do it correctly, so I think. There's a different from having sex and making love.... but look in the previous posts for that one.

So I have spent 30 hours finishing the cabinets for my current project. At first when they were installed, I was like, "what the f*&^ are these plywood boxes? I am cabinet snob because I once worked in a crappy job making no money, selling them.  It was an Al Bundy type of thing, no wonder why I drank all the time. But I digress, they were built beautifully yet were just wood boxes. Then my hands took over.

Feeling every inch of them. At first rough, I calmly sanded, smoothed, and felt some more. It was only until I would move my hand ever so slightly over the door and it was soft, inviting, would I move on. It may have taken a long time to do but in the end, and feeling for countless hours, I love my cabinets. It was only after many hours of feeling, rubbing, and caressing did I feel good enough to be finished. Is there more I can do, of course, but in the interest of time I had to move on. Later cabinets, it was fun!

New blog post with pictures of the finished project coming soon. Check back soon!