New Blog & Possible Move (Again)

Although it's lunch time, I just want to inform you that after being encouraged by a few web developers, I will be creating a new blog on Wordpress. If I like the format for my political blog, I may move this blog on over to Wordpress, on a page that was the original location of this blog. Just a heads up. TopherLloyd will still be a diary-esque blog but I may move away from it due to certain factors.

In other news:

I may be moving back to Colorado in the coming months. I think I have finally realized what I am good at and enjoy doing. Now it may be time to make good money doing it. I am actually really excited and am hoping this pulls through! I'm am gonna have "the talk" tomorrow. Definitely nervous.

Too many mosquitoes down here and I miss my purple mountains at 6 AM.

A Switch to Firefox and I CAN TYPE AGAIN!

Okay, so for weeks I could not type worth a crap. I am not talking about my crappy punctuation. Every character that I would type would not register or register really late. I ran multiple virus programs, ran the Microsoft virus diagnostics, and nothing? WTF, I thought to myself. Upon doing some research, which took me forever because I couldn't type, I stumbled upon the reason.

Microsoft Internet Explorer BLOOOOOWWWWWSSSSS fat, puss-covered, donkey dick. So much so that I actually labeled this blog so people surfing the web can find this. I even typed out Microsoft Internet Explorer out so the spiders will find this. I will mention Google so their spiders find this post more quickly too.

So I switched to Firefox and instantly could type again. Pages load almost instantly too! So to anyone reading this, and is using Internet Explorer, switch to Firefox. Do yourself the favor. You will be happy and that's a guarantee.

New Look

Okay, so I want to extend to YOU the readers, the chance to comment on the new look. Don't comment on facebook. You can comment below and leave your name or be anonymous. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

Running Scared: A Labor Day Sprint

***Disclaimer: Unlike every story I tell where the facts are grossly exaggerated, the events below are true. Enjoy this rare occurrence.***

I originally intended to write a blog depicting my account of reading all 1017 pages of H.R. 3200: America's Health Choices Act of 2009 and a summary of the details, followed by my thoughts and concerns. Fortunately for you the reader, that will not happen today.

So here I was, talking to my mom this morning. Much like my "foot in mouth syndrome" of saying all the wrong things at all the wrong times, my mom has the lovely habit of ALWAYS calling me at the WRONG moments. To bypass the inevitability of ruining my evening plans, I would cut her off at the pass and call her nice and early.

So here I am talking on the phone out front, tending to One Leaf (another blog for another day), and picking dead leaves off the bushes. Suddenly through my peripheal vision, I catch a glimpse of a menacing dog across the street. I turn to investigate and promptly see four others. Rib cages showing, patches of fur missing, and collarless. I stood up.

Crap, they see me. Do I stand still and try not to look any in the eye? Should I slowly back away while facing them, trying to show that I pose no threat? Should I make a B-line for the house 50 yds up the driveway?

I slowly backed away then boom! I began running, phone in hand. My mom says it sounded like the Blair Witch Project. Everything silent besides heavy breathing and barking in the background. In retrospect (I should know this growing up around alpha male dogs) you never run or make quick movements when any animals are in a pack. They automatically see you as weak and instinctively as prey. So they chased my skinny, chain-smoking, hairy, white butt all the way to my door. Good thing I ran track and have yet to lose a sprinting challenge, even with a cocky cigarette in my mouth, since high school.

So I ran. I ran so far away. I just ran.

A bonus video for your enjoyment

After 411-ing animal control and being holed up in the house for 30 mins, by then the dogs shat in my yard and moved on, the ordeal was over. Besides a major car accident in my freshman year of highschool, that was the scariest moment of my life. The hair on my neck was standing up. I had goosebumps all over my arms and one hell of an adrenaline rush. Not to mention a story that in time will become lions chasing me in the savannahs of Africa.

How a pack of wild dogs formed two miles from center city Houston beats the hell out of me. I just know savannahs are a bitch to run through ;-)