In my opinion, both the City of Philadelphia and its numerous departments and vehicles are going green. Green while dumping gallons upon gallons of anti-freeze from their vehicles. The Philadelphia Water Department is not the only department that I have seen huge puddles of this highly toxic substance pouring into our streets. I have witnessed the Philadelphia Parking Authority, The Department of Recreation, and the Departments of Streets and Sanitation in addition.
If our city's government wants to go green with carbon emissions and all of the currently green and trendy initiatives, they should start with water matters most. The pollution that seeps into of water, the ground, sewers, and eventually into us.
Perhaps the city should begin looking at their decaying fleet of vehicles as they pour anti-freeze into our lives. Philadelphia, this isn't the green that is the beneficial kind. The city is going for trendy grants on carbon emissions and energy which are socially inefficient, rather then take care of the pollution that affects every man, woman, child, annoying ass squirrels, birds, and pets. You get my drift.
I'm glad I had my phone on me and took the picture right before they jumped in the truck to try to drive away. Anyone else bothered by this? Wish I would've thought to get the tags on it too.