Loaded up on ibuprofen. My back is killing me! I miss the days that I'd get or give, back and head rubs. -sigh- Do you think couches know how to rub backs and heads?
New Construction, New Home
Wow, I do not even know where to begin with this blog. I finally have the internet up and running again but will barely use it becuase I am exhausted. Preparing to move, packing, driving 1700 miles, unpacking, and immediately starting several projects has left me with bags under my eyes. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep for weeks!
I have met with general contractors, painters, carpet people, designed my new apartment, and it is just all beginning. The official start of my new apartment begins tomorrow morning with landscapers building proper drainage for the land around my apartment. I am really excited and in roughly six weeks, I will be moving into my new place, designed by and for me! Sweet, but my main goal is to use this opportunity so I can begin to save up and buy a house.
Working twelve hours a day non-stop, immediately after moving is very tiresome but I know is well worth it. Throw in welcome parties, fish fries, and welcome dinners to that and not only is my work schedule crazy, my social schedule is ramping up also. So far I am thoroughly enjoying Houston. It's a big city but there is so much opportunity that await transplants. Jobs are everywhere.
I could write more but frankly, my bed awaits me, and all I want to do is hug my body pillow and drift off to peace. And when I wake up? The official start to my apartment awaits me! Wish me luck :-)
I have met with general contractors, painters, carpet people, designed my new apartment, and it is just all beginning. The official start of my new apartment begins tomorrow morning with landscapers building proper drainage for the land around my apartment. I am really excited and in roughly six weeks, I will be moving into my new place, designed by and for me! Sweet, but my main goal is to use this opportunity so I can begin to save up and buy a house.
Working twelve hours a day non-stop, immediately after moving is very tiresome but I know is well worth it. Throw in welcome parties, fish fries, and welcome dinners to that and not only is my work schedule crazy, my social schedule is ramping up also. So far I am thoroughly enjoying Houston. It's a big city but there is so much opportunity that await transplants. Jobs are everywhere.
I could write more but frankly, my bed awaits me, and all I want to do is hug my body pillow and drift off to peace. And when I wake up? The official start to my apartment awaits me! Wish me luck :-)
My apartment

So as my temporary room is set up, I begin meetings and negotiations with the contractors for the landscaping and construction of my new apartment tomorrow. Although my original design was vetoed because it had a stand up shower (damn you people who only take baths) :-p , this was my second solution. I'm pretty damn excited. Few people actually get to design the apartment they will be living in.
Let me know your thoughts.
And for the mere sake of showing the design I like, here is mine:

Houston: Day Two
I sit here, sipping my morning coffee (sludge), relaxed and becoming increasingly motivated for the day ahead. Yesterday after departing Lafayette, Louisiana, before the morning rush, I had a rather peaceful drive to Houston compared to the previous 1300 miles. I arrived to my temporary place, opened my bedroom door and to my surprise, balloons, streamers, and a banner that said, "Welcome to Texas Christopher" adorned the room. My reservations on coming to Houston decreased dramatically after seeing that.
Unloading my truck sucked. After nearly dodging a tornado and driving two hours in rain that I only seen once before after Hurricane Gustav, I found my dresser and 75% of all my items were water damaged. My dresser no longer contains utility along with a few pictures, books, and clothes, (it's a good thing I have a fully furnished, apartment to live in!) My guitar is safe though, that is the important thing.
It rained so hard, that as I was parked on the side of the road and I couldn't even see the hood of my truck. I was worried because the sky was black as night and I knew a tornado was near. As I drove into the daylight again, I heard over the radio that a tornado was around the town I drove through 15 minutes prior. Whew.
My plants that have traveled many of miles with me and hold value (to all of your intrigue may I add), Gustav and Ike, survived and are already flourishing. My grapevine on the other hand isn't enjoying the change in heat all that well. Oh well, all I care about is Gustav and Ike. I'm a wierdo, I know Lew! I just like plants.
So, with that story told in a nutshell, I will soon finish setting up my room, and begin several multi-week projects. It's nice to actually have work to do but moving is not an enjoyable experience. I have moved several times and each time, I have no regrets. Each decision, whether moving or staying, I feel was the right decision at the moment given the circumstances and lessons to be had. I will have to prepare my response to those people here in Houston, who with out a doubt, will ask me why I did not move here a year ago as originally planned. I guess I'll say, "The timing was just not right" or something of that sort. But I am here and so officially marks the beginning of my next chapter.
Time to shave my beard of apathy and "get 'er done!"
Unloading my truck sucked. After nearly dodging a tornado and driving two hours in rain that I only seen once before after Hurricane Gustav, I found my dresser and 75% of all my items were water damaged. My dresser no longer contains utility along with a few pictures, books, and clothes, (it's a good thing I have a fully furnished, apartment to live in!) My guitar is safe though, that is the important thing.
It rained so hard, that as I was parked on the side of the road and I couldn't even see the hood of my truck. I was worried because the sky was black as night and I knew a tornado was near. As I drove into the daylight again, I heard over the radio that a tornado was around the town I drove through 15 minutes prior. Whew.
My plants that have traveled many of miles with me and hold value (to all of your intrigue may I add), Gustav and Ike, survived and are already flourishing. My grapevine on the other hand isn't enjoying the change in heat all that well. Oh well, all I care about is Gustav and Ike. I'm a wierdo, I know Lew! I just like plants.
So, with that story told in a nutshell, I will soon finish setting up my room, and begin several multi-week projects. It's nice to actually have work to do but moving is not an enjoyable experience. I have moved several times and each time, I have no regrets. Each decision, whether moving or staying, I feel was the right decision at the moment given the circumstances and lessons to be had. I will have to prepare my response to those people here in Houston, who with out a doubt, will ask me why I did not move here a year ago as originally planned. I guess I'll say, "The timing was just not right" or something of that sort. But I am here and so officially marks the beginning of my next chapter.
Time to shave my beard of apathy and "get 'er done!"
I'm back in the old town I used to live in, in Louisiana. Wow I forgot how humid it is here! Either way, it'll be nice to see certain people I haven't seen in 9 months. I sat down and was talking with this guy where I am parked and I have to say, Cajuns are some great people. Anyways, time to have some fun after driving 1500 miles!
It's Relaxing
My last night in the only place that I consider that I "grew" up. Where I always enjoyed sitting outside during a good thunderstorm. My last night here and I get to enjoy my favorite thing since I was 15. Sitting outside during a nice storm. I'll have plenty of storms to hear and I will damn well make sure that sometime soon, I'll have my own place to sit outside for a good storm. Plenty of storms, at that.
Houston: T-minus nine hours. 0900 we embark.
Houston: T-minus nine hours. 0900 we embark.
Final Farewells
Well, as I await the arrival of my friends from throughout the city, I patiently sit here and type. I always get anxious before long drives and I wish I had someone I know that has a way of calming me. Unfortunately, for this drive there will be no one to text to say I am nervous or to talk too while driving. FYI, it is illegal to be on a cell phone while driving in Pennsylvania so it's for the best.
Will all my final goodbyes said and my truck loaded up, I have only my final moments with some of my closest friends to enjoy. I am excited to be going on my journey and start this new chapter in my life. I will make the best of it, in a new and large city but will miss my friends and family dearly.
Don't worry, I will have the same number as I have had since coming home. Hey, Louisiana has cheap taxes when it comes to phones! So text or call.
I leave you with a song that has epitomized every move since I was in high school (yes there has been many moves). Tiff you know and understand me better than anyone I know and this too shall bring back memories :-) I'll come out to San Diego and visit, I promise. Kristy and I have joked around with the idea but we might fight the whole way there :-p
I present to you:
Will all my final goodbyes said and my truck loaded up, I have only my final moments with some of my closest friends to enjoy. I am excited to be going on my journey and start this new chapter in my life. I will make the best of it, in a new and large city but will miss my friends and family dearly.
Don't worry, I will have the same number as I have had since coming home. Hey, Louisiana has cheap taxes when it comes to phones! So text or call.
I leave you with a song that has epitomized every move since I was in high school (yes there has been many moves). Tiff you know and understand me better than anyone I know and this too shall bring back memories :-) I'll come out to San Diego and visit, I promise. Kristy and I have joked around with the idea but we might fight the whole way there :-p
I present to you:
Some Things Are Best Seen
This song and video wrap up how I currently feel about so many things. So instead of writing some boring blog, I present to you, Eve 6, Here's to tonight. Enjoy.
P.S.: Since it is summer, my hair is red, so currently I find it fitting. I cant wait for winter so my hair turns brown again.... grrr... :-p
P.S.: Since it is summer, my hair is red, so currently I find it fitting. I cant wait for winter so my hair turns brown again.... grrr... :-p
It's amazing the things that you find when you are packing. You constantly are like, oh this is garbage (toss!) or damn, I could've used these a few months ago. The good thing about this all, is I can unload a lot of useless crap and organize the things that I want. Sweet.
On a side note:
I am officially up to 21 individual readers that stop by regularly. In honor of this occasion, I will use the overused and kinda lame phrase of "cool."
Top cities of readers (I am breaking it down by IP visits):
Philadelphia, PA
A city I used to live in......
San Diego, CA (yeah Tiffy)
Houston, TX
Denver, CO
My writings suck and I really do not have many useful blogs but hell, "you's" guys still stop by. Thanks for reading. I'll be sure to update you's on how things are going in Houston in case I don't get a chance to talk to you!
On a side note:
I am officially up to 21 individual readers that stop by regularly. In honor of this occasion, I will use the overused and kinda lame phrase of "cool."
Top cities of readers (I am breaking it down by IP visits):
Philadelphia, PA
A city I used to live in......
San Diego, CA (yeah Tiffy)
Houston, TX
Denver, CO
My writings suck and I really do not have many useful blogs but hell, "you's" guys still stop by. Thanks for reading. I'll be sure to update you's on how things are going in Houston in case I don't get a chance to talk to you!
New Laptop, New Journey
Before I begin, I would graciously like to state that I am writing this on a brand new laptop. After the death of my previous computer, I am finally up and running once again. I'm not going to lie, I like Vista and all of its "gadgets."
With a fun-filled fourth of July holiday over and the monoteny of life beginning once again for many, I prepare to embark on my 2000 mile Journey. At times I wish my life would be monotoned like many others, yet unfortunately I have the annoying urge to find something that I cannot see nor understand. These past few years of trying to find myself and my happiness is frankly getting old. Granted, I have wild stories, have met many fantastic people, and began to undestand several different cultures that make up the melting pot that is the United States. Yet, I just want it to end. I am tired of moving and searching for, at this moment, some cruel self-imposing destiny. Deep down, I know this journey to Houston will be where I truely find my self and whatever the hell it is that I am looking for.
I have moved many times in my life. I am probably to closest thing to being a modern day nomad in a first world country. I have lived in six different states, one foreign country, and have moved a total of nine times. This being my tenth move and seventh state. I have found that everytime you move, the most emotional part is the packing. As you box up memories and trash unneeded articles acquired durring your stent in a place, you think of those you may never see again, and those that you will miss. Packing, I find, allows you to psychologically build a wall to your attachments and with every major move, the wall grows bigger.
So as I sift through my belongings in the upcomming days, my thoughts will be deep, my heart will be weak, and my wall will unfortunately grow. Perhaps one day I can stand on the highest mountain overlooking the rising morning sun, soaking in the beauty of the purple mountains, and yell "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Making the valleys of nature's consciousness echo, forcing the birds to take flight, and foxes to lift their heads; prematurely turning the purple mountains into their daytime colors of the evergreen and aspen trees, commanding mother nature's acknowledgement.
Until that day, I must journey on, trying my hardest not to look back and find that one thing that I long for. Some unknown destiny that has tortured me for oh so long. I just pray that one day I will finally find my happiness and I can look back at the road I traveled and say, "well that sucked, good things its over!"
But despite my sorrows, I am excited to start another chapter in my life. The past few chapters have had their ups and downs. I've met many great personalities. I have loved, cried, drank, self-pittied, learned, laughed, sweated, and bled. I am sure the next chapter will contain many of the same things, but we all learn from our past and I shall plow ahead and make the future. So, here's to life's mysteries and its never ending journies for meaning! :-)
Houston: T-minus seven days.
With a fun-filled fourth of July holiday over and the monoteny of life beginning once again for many, I prepare to embark on my 2000 mile Journey. At times I wish my life would be monotoned like many others, yet unfortunately I have the annoying urge to find something that I cannot see nor understand. These past few years of trying to find myself and my happiness is frankly getting old. Granted, I have wild stories, have met many fantastic people, and began to undestand several different cultures that make up the melting pot that is the United States. Yet, I just want it to end. I am tired of moving and searching for, at this moment, some cruel self-imposing destiny. Deep down, I know this journey to Houston will be where I truely find my self and whatever the hell it is that I am looking for.
I have moved many times in my life. I am probably to closest thing to being a modern day nomad in a first world country. I have lived in six different states, one foreign country, and have moved a total of nine times. This being my tenth move and seventh state. I have found that everytime you move, the most emotional part is the packing. As you box up memories and trash unneeded articles acquired durring your stent in a place, you think of those you may never see again, and those that you will miss. Packing, I find, allows you to psychologically build a wall to your attachments and with every major move, the wall grows bigger.
So as I sift through my belongings in the upcomming days, my thoughts will be deep, my heart will be weak, and my wall will unfortunately grow. Perhaps one day I can stand on the highest mountain overlooking the rising morning sun, soaking in the beauty of the purple mountains, and yell "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Making the valleys of nature's consciousness echo, forcing the birds to take flight, and foxes to lift their heads; prematurely turning the purple mountains into their daytime colors of the evergreen and aspen trees, commanding mother nature's acknowledgement.
Until that day, I must journey on, trying my hardest not to look back and find that one thing that I long for. Some unknown destiny that has tortured me for oh so long. I just pray that one day I will finally find my happiness and I can look back at the road I traveled and say, "well that sucked, good things its over!"
But despite my sorrows, I am excited to start another chapter in my life. The past few chapters have had their ups and downs. I've met many great personalities. I have loved, cried, drank, self-pittied, learned, laughed, sweated, and bled. I am sure the next chapter will contain many of the same things, but we all learn from our past and I shall plow ahead and make the future. So, here's to life's mysteries and its never ending journies for meaning! :-)
Houston: T-minus seven days.
The Shore
Going "down the shore" today. I think spending the next four days on the beach is a good way of spending the few remaining days that I have here in Philadelphia. By next weekend I will be down south in Houston. Far from everything that I know.
Maybe I'll buy some of those orange floaties to put on my arms to look cool and sexy for the ladies this week. Perhaps a round float with sea horses on it will do the trick? Yeah this is all kind of random, I know. I just woke up and we all know how I am when I wake up. By "we" I mean the very few people that read this and know me.
Have a fun and safe 4th of July everyone.
Maybe I'll buy some of those orange floaties to put on my arms to look cool and sexy for the ladies this week. Perhaps a round float with sea horses on it will do the trick? Yeah this is all kind of random, I know. I just woke up and we all know how I am when I wake up. By "we" I mean the very few people that read this and know me.
Have a fun and safe 4th of July everyone.
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