Random Indeed
The modern day nomad. A mouth with no filter. A guy on the quest to become a man. Lots of work to do, so let's get started!
San Diego, California
This picture always inspires me for some reason. Taken on my last evening in Louisiana, the sunset seemed to calm me before I embarked on a long drive. I don't do too well driving long distances.
Lafayette, Louisiana
Praesent at dui augue. Proin consectetur elementum sem, in blandit urna porta sed. Sed tortor ipsum, scelerisque vel lobortis aliquam, bibendum sit amet neque. In id erat in quam bibendum lacinia. Curabitur imperdiet viverra scelerisque. Phasellus quis egestas risus.
Sed id tortor vitae nisi consectetur tempus. Pellentesque tellus est, adipiscing id porttitor vitae, vestibulum id neque. Aliquam tellus dui, vehicula sed placerat sed, scelerisque ultricies tortor. Donec ornare blandit erat pellentesque molestie. Suspendisse potenti.